"Wolf Parade" chods

An Animal In Your CareWolf Parade
Bang Your DrumWolf Parade
Call It a RitualWolf Parade
Cloud Shadow On the MountainWolf Parade
Cave-O-SapienWolf Parade
Disco SheetsWolf Parade
Fine Young CannibalsWolf Parade
Kissing the BeehiveWolf Parade
Lousy PicturesWolf Parade
Language CityWolf Parade
Oh You, Old ThingWolf Parade
Soldier's GrinWolf Parade
Shine a LightWolf Parade
The Grey EstatesWolf Parade
California DreamerWolf Parade
Ghost PressureWolf Parade
Little Golden AgeWolf Parade
What Did My Lover Say? (It Always Had to Go This Way)Wolf Parade
You Are a Runner and I Am My Father's SonWolf Parade
YuliaWolf Parade
In the Direction of the MoonWolf Parade
Pobody's NerfectWolf Parade
Palm RoadWolf Parade